Thesis / Viva FAQs

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Will my thesis upload to the PGR-Web jeopardise any final or future submissions?
The upload of your final thesis to the PGR-Web will not jeopardise any further submissions of your work. As with your annual reviews, the PGR-Web will store a copy of your final thesis purely for progression and monitoring purposes
I have submitted my thesis to the PGR-Web. Is this the only submission that I need to make?
No, once you have submitted your thesis to the PGR-Web you will also need to submit two soft bound copies to the Academic Services Division (ASD) team. These two soft bound copies will then be sent out to your Internal and External examiners for consideration prior to your final viva. For a full guide to your thesis submission, please visit the ASD webpage below for information Please note that your submission to the ASD team should be done either on, or before, your thesis submission deadline
Who will co-ordinate my final viva?
Your final viva will be co-ordinated primarily through your Internal Examiner, although in some instances your principal supervisor may also be involved. You will be informed of potential viva dates / times to ensure that the chosen date / time is suitable for all concerned. In most instances, the only people present during your viva will be those who have examined your thesis; the Internal and External examiners
The PGR-Web is asking me to upload a Thesis Plan. Is this compulsory?
Your Thesis Plan (TP) is due during month 24 and is a compulsory element of your progression. The purpose of the TP is to establish the format your final thesis will take and to ensure that all elements of your research are accounted for in the content. The TP submitted during month 24 is by no means a final version and I would encourage you to modify your TP throughout your final year to ensure it is as comprehensive as possible