Annual / Final Reviews FAQs

If you are unable to find the answer please contact PGR Admin...
Can I upload my review prior to my submission date?
The window for your annual review will open 1 month prior to your submission date which enables you to submit early if you are ready to do so
Do I need to print a hard copy of my review for my Assessor / Supervisor?
No, there is no need to print a copy of your review for your assessor or supervisor as all of the assessment procedure takes place via the PGR-Web
I have uploaded my second year review, but I am unable to upload my poster. What should I do?
The most likely reason for this is that you have uploaded and submitted your review prior to uploading your poster. Please contact the PGR administration team who will reset your annual submission to allow both your review/report and poster upload
Will I need to have a viva with each review?
It is a compulsory requirement for all first year students to have a viva as part of their first year annual review. Second and third year vivas are held at the discretion of your internal assessor. In the majority of cases, vivas are not required for second and third year reviews. The format of any viva is at the discretion of your internal assessor
How long should my review be?
For details of your review please consult the PGR handbook which can be accessed via the PGR-Web student login
How will I know when to upload my annual / final review?
The date of your next annual review is available via your PGR-Web login. Prior to your next submission date you will receive an email reminder so please ensure that you check your University of Nottingham emails regularly
What if I am not able to submit on my submission date?
If your submission date falls on a weekend your deadline would be extended to the next working day; either the Monday that immediately follows or the Tuesday where the Monday is a Bank Holiday. If it becomes clear prior to submission that you are not going to be able to meet your submission deadline, then you must bring this to the attention of the PGR administration team who will advise you accordingly
I tried to upload my annual review but I received an ‘error’ message while doing so?
If you receive an 'error/ message when trying to upload your review, please contact the IT team to report this problem using the contact email address the follows: